API documentation
API end points
This website has it's own API server. Below is a partial brief of how it works.
Get all Documents
By default you will get 20 documents. You can define the amount of results and the offset (see more below).
Filter by Sex
You can filter out your results by sex. The ":sex" parameter accepts "male" and "female".
Search by Breed
You can submit a GET request with your "SEARCH_TEXT" as the value for the "breed" query parameter.
If "size" and "offset" are not specified, by default you will get the first 20 documents. Below is an example setting size to 20 and offset to 60.
"total" : 64,
"pages" : 4,
"size" : 20,
"offset" : 60,
"count" : 4,
"results" : [{Animal.Documents},...]
- In this example, there are 64 total results.
- Because the offset is 60 and there are only 4 documents remaining. Hence, "count" is 4.
- The "pages" parameter is equal to ( total results / size ). In case you need pagination :).
Animal Documents
Here is how the Animal documents look like.
"imgs" : [String],
"status" : String,
"_id" : String,
"petURI" : String,
"domain" : String,
"petId" : String,
"age" : String,
"breed" : String,
"sex" : String,
"name" : String,
- "imgs" : An Array of Strings. This are links to the animal images
- "status" : You will only get "Active". The app runs every day and 'deactivates' any animals that are no longer active on origin site
- "_id" : The document ID
- "petURI" : The URI to the animal's profile in the origin site
- "domain" : The URI to the origin site
- "petId" : The ID of the animal in the origin site
- "age" : The animal age. Descriptions change from site to site so this can look like "Young" or "3"
- "breed" : The animal's breed
- "sex" : The animal's sex
- "name" : The animal's name